As you enter the gates of Fox Pond Estate, you leave the outside world behind. From the Main Lodge you neither see nor hear other houses, traffic or other artificial noises of the world. Only the calling of the loons on the pond, the flitter of the forest birds at the feeders or the occasional hum of a float plane break the silence.
If however, the need for outside contact arises, in the town of Ellsworth you will find major chain groceries, Walmart, Home Depot and the associated stores, shops and dining that they anchor.
Your guests will enjoy nearby activities, giving you back a moment of respite during their visits. Mount Desert Island has the famous Acadia National Park. Just about every calendar has once displayed the splendor of waves crashing through Thunder Hole. Bar Harbor’s shopping taverns and dining are a must see for all your guests.

Whale Watch Photo by Pat Hawks
A day on the whale watch boat or a schooner ride will round out their visit. For more information see Bar Harbor Info: Sea Activities & Sightseeing

Roosevelt Home Campobello Island / Photo by David Wilson
About a leisurely hours drive north of US Route 1 you can see the sun rise at Campobello Island, visit FDR’s summer White House, pass latitude 45° 0’.0” – halfway to the North Pole, and visit Eastport, Maine. Eastport is the most easterly point of the continental United States.
Any discussion of nearby attractions would be remiss if note was not made of the day hikes and ATV rides to remote trout streams and ponds. These hikes and rides begin at your front door. One of only a handful of rivers having annual runs of Atlantic Salmon is only about 7-10 miles by ATV. Fish there for native trout, but do not target salmon as there is still no open season on the Silver King.