Outdoor activities are central to the appeal of this property. Big and small game hunting and fishing have been enhanced by careful treatment and improvement to the wild life habitat. Moose, bear, dear, coyote, fox, fish and beaver all benefit from these wildlife habitat enhancements. Native brook trout spawn each October and have been observed far up the feeder brook.
Enjoy hiking, biking, snowshoeing, snowmobiling and ATV’ing on the 6+ miles of trails on the estate. Trails of the estate lead through our gates to Maine’s ATV Trail System, an adventure almost beyond comprehension.
A section of the estate has been set aside as the activities field. Originally designed to accommodate the shooting sports of rifle, skeet, pistol, black powder, and archery, the “Shooting Range” has developed into an activities complex large enough for big events: Scout camp outs, meetings of sports clubs, weddings under a tent, and more. A campground area has been prepared for family camping, and everything from tents to pop-ups to full size big-rig class A motor homes can comfortably stay in specially prepared sites. Hiking trails lead directly from the camping area to remote trout ponds, and to the summit of Tunk Mountain (off the estate) where a fire tower stands.